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1244,00 €

Best Service Chris Hein Orchestra Complete, Orchestra Instrument Bundle (download), Offers ensemble strings, brass and woodwind instruments for orchestral arrangements, solo passages and ensembles, Orchestral Winds contains 13 instruments with 14 articulations, up to 8 dynamic layers, intelligent legati etc., Chris Hein Solo Strings Complete offers 14 string instruments in solo and ensemble mixes with up to 38 articulations, 4 different legati and much more., Chris Hein Ensemble Strings has 10 instruments, each as a full and small ensemble with up to 32 articulations, 8 dynamic layers, intelligent legato, etc., Chris Hein Orchestral Brass EXtended comes with 12 instruments with up to 24 articulations, up to 8 dynamic layers, 4 different legati and much more.