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599,00 €

Ableton Live 11 Suite, Audio MIDI sequencer (DAW) (download), Software for composition, intuitive production and live mixing, Session view with clips and clip automation and classic track view, Comping function for audio and MIDI recordings to create an overall take from several recording passes, Parallel editing of linked tracks, Dynamic tempo adjustment in real time and automatically based on incoming audio signals, Adjustable note probability and velocity values for random changes, MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) support, Includes Max for Live, warping and time-stretching in real time, Complex warp modes, Audio slicing for Drum Rack or Sampler, Audio-to-MIDI function, Capture allows you to capture ideas to MIDI tracks afterwards, Group tracks with multiple layers, Support for Serato Scratch Live, Browser with project tempo preview function, Audio resolution up to 32 bit/192 kHz, Unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks, 12 send and return tracks, Up to 256 audio inputs and outputs, Integration of external instruments, Included instruments: Wavetable, Operator, Analogue, Sampler, Simpler, Electric, Tension, Collision, Bass, Poli, Drum Rack, Drum Synths, Impulse, CV Instrument and CV Triggers and Instrument Racks., 59 audio effects, 15 MIDI effects, More than 5000 sounds and 70 GB samples, Supports MP3, FLAC and WAVPACK export